Blizzard geeft meer details over BlizzCon Online
Blizzard heeft nieuwe details onthuld omtrent BlizzCon Online, dat inmiddels officieel BlizzConline wordt genoemd. Het evenement gaat omwille van corona volledig online en digitaal door, en zal voor iedereen gratis te bekijken zijn op 19 en 20 februari.
Via verschillende kanalen mogen we ons verwachten aan aankondigingen omtrent zaken waar Blizzard mee bezig is, aangevuld met talloze deep dives, wedstrijden en meer.
Day 1 will kick off at 2 p.m. PST on Friday, February 19, with an opening segment that includes a first look at some of the latest game content the development teams have been working on. Then for the next three-plus hours, you’ll have the option to tune in to one of the six different themed channels, so you can decide whether you want to sample a little bit of everything or dig deeper into the games you’re interested in most.
Day 2 will pick back up at 12 p.m. PST on Saturday, February 20, with multiple channels once again, until the fun wraps up at later that afternoon. Throughout this second day, we’ll be shining a spotlight on the global Blizzard community, including the winners and outstanding entries in the Community Showcase contests and exhibitions.